Bayesian Approach
\( \color{maroon}{P(\theta|data)} = \frac{\color{teal}{P(data|\theta)} * \color{olive}{P(data)}}{\color{gray}{P(\theta)}}\)
\( \color{maroon}{Posterior} = \frac{\color{teal}{Likelihood} * \color{olive}{Prior}}{\color{gray}{Normalizing}}\)

Frequentist looks at \(\color{teal}{likelihood}\) of rolling two sixes.
Bayesian multiplies by the \(\color{olive}{prior}\) probability of explosion
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## Problem 2: iid violation
Recall that maximizing likelihood requires:
`$$P(x_1 | \theta) * P(x_2 | \theta) * ... * P(x_n | \theta)$$`
- only works if `\(P(x_i)\perp P(x_j)\)` for all i,j
What if it's not?
Example 1: breath after meal
- subjects: 10 individuals try 100 meals
- y: bad breath
- x: g garlic per meal
- controls: blood pressure
- Interdependence: repeated observations from subjects
Example 2: tweet volume and IDPs
- obs: tweets and IDPs over time from different provinces
- y: IDPs fleeing
- x: Twitter volumes mentioning a location
- controls: population
- Spatial dependence: IDPs from Anbar at t depend on IDPs from Anbar at t-1, repeated population obs
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# Hierarchical models
Start with basic regression:
`$$P(\mathbf Y) \sim \mathcal{N}(\beta_{garlic} \mathbf X_{garlic} + \beta_{bp} * \mathbf X_{bp},\sigma ^2)$$`
### Step 1: Add or subtract a factor for each group
`$$P(\mathbf Y) \sim \mathcal{N}(\beta_{garlic} \mathbf X_{garlic} + \color{purple}{\boldsymbol\beta_i \mathbf X_i},\sigma ^2)$$`
- If Anbar is more violent on the whole, add some to all the Anbar estimates
- If Juan's microflora metabolize allicin faster, subtract a little from all of Juan's measurements
### Incorporate all group-level information in estimation of this factor
`$$P(\color{purple}{\boldsymbol\beta_i}) \sim \mathcal{N}(\gamma_{bp} bp + \boldsymbol \gamma_i \mathbf i, \sigma_{group-fe}^2)$$`
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# Hierarchical models
Regression so far:
`$$P(\mathbf Y) \sim \mathcal{N}(\beta_{garlic} \mathbf X_{garlic} + \color{purple}{\boldsymbol\beta_i \mathbf X_i},\sigma ^2)$$`
### Step 2: Allow effects to vary by group
`$$P(\mathbf Y) \sim \mathcal{N}(\color{purple}{\boldsymbol\beta_{garlic}} \mathbf X_{garlic} + \boldsymbol\beta_i \mathbf X_i,\sigma ^2)$$`
- Expect attenuated relationship between Twitter and movement in Najaf (small population = no users)
- If Juan's microflora metabolize allicin faster, *effect* of garlic could be differnt
### Incorporate group-level information in estimation of effects
`$$P(\color{purple}{\boldsymbol\beta_{garlic}}) \sim \mathcal{N}(\eta_{bp} bp + \boldsymbol \eta_i \mathbf i, \sigma_{group-re}^2)$$`
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#Why does this work?
`$$P(\boldsymbol\beta_{group}) \sim \mathcal{N}(\gamma_{group_x} X_{group} + \boldsymbol \gamma_i \mathbf i, \sigma_{group}^2)$$`
- Account for Interdependence with `\(\sigma_{group}^2\)`
- Drawn from a single observation
- Group-level observations not repeated
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# PyMC3
### Fixed Effects
import pymc3 as pm
with pm.Model() as breath_model:
#prior on γ_i
mu_gi = pm.Flat('gamma_i')
#prior on γ_bp
mu_gbp = pm.Flat('gamma_bp')
#prior on σ_group
#Two parts, trick from pymc3 team to help convergence
#One for each group-level. (province, meal tester)
sig_grp_fe = pm.HalfCauchy('sig_grp_fe',beta=2.5)
mu_gi_noise = pm.Normal('gamma_i_noise',mu=0, sd=1, shape= n_grps)
#Put them together
bi = pm.Deterministic('bi',mu_gi + \
mu_gbp * group_data.bp +\
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# PyMC3
### Random Effects
with pm.Model() as breath_model:
#prior on η_i
mu_ni = pm.Flat('eta_i')
#prior on η_bp
mu_nbp = pm.Flat('average_effect_blood_pressure')
#prior on σ_group`
#Two parts, trick from pymc3 team to help convergence
#One for each group-level. (province, meal tester)
sig_grp_re = pm.HalfCauchy('sig_grp_re',beta=2.5)
mu_ni_noise = pm.Normal('eta_i_noise',mu=0, sd=1, shape= n_grps)
#Put them together
ni = pm.Deterministic('bi',mu_ni + \
mu_nbp * group_data.bp +\
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# PyMC3
### Base Model
with pm.Model() as breath_model:
#Prior on β_controls
b_control = pm.Normal('b_control',0,sd=100**2,shape=1)
y_hat = bi[] + \
b_garlic[]* data.garlic+\
b_control * data.control
#prior on error
sig = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma',5)
y = pm.Normal('y',y_hat,sd=sig, observed = data.breath)
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# PyMC3
### Sample the model
NUTS is a powerful sampler, but needs good initialization which you can do with Metropolis sampling
Do more chains to compare later for model convergence
with breath_model:
start_trace = pm.sample(7000,step=pm.Metropolis())
start_sds = {}
names = start_trace.varnames
with breath_model:
step = pm.NUTS(scaling = breath_model.dict_to_array(start_sds)**2,
is_covar = True)
signal_trace = pm.sample(500,step=step,
start = start_trace[-1],
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# PyMC3: look at the results
# Traceplot, cut off burn-in, thin sample
# Forestplot
ylabels = ['Garlic','Control'])
class: center
# Forestplots
`$$P(\color{purple}{\boldsymbol\beta_{gov-origin}}) \sim \mathcal{N}(\gamma_{gov-i} \color{purple}{\mathbf X_{gov-origin}} + \boldsymbol \gamma_{gov-covariates} \mathbf X_{gov-covariates}, \sigma_{gov-fe}^2)$$`
`$$P(\color{green}{\boldsymbol\beta_{gov-destination}}) \sim \mathcal{N}(\gamma_{gov-i} \color{green}{\mathbf X_{gov-destination}} + \\ \boldsymbol \gamma_{gov-covariates} \mathbf X_{gov-covariates}+ \\
\color{cyan}{\gamma_{district-i}} \color{cyan}{\mathbf X_{district}}
, \sigma_{gov-fe}^2)$$`
`$$P(\color{cyan}{\boldsymbol\gamma_{district}}) \sim \mathcal{N}(\eta_{gov-i} \color{cyan}{\mathbf X_{district}} + \boldsymbol \eta_{gov-covariates} \mathbf X_{gov-covariates}, \sigma_{gov-fe}^2)$$`
`$$P(\color{orange}{\boldsymbol\beta_{signal-month}}) \sim \mathcal{N}(\gamma_{month-i} \color{orange}{\mathbf X_{signal-month}} , \sigma_{month-fe}^2)$$`