Network Analysis in Python

Laila A. Wahedi, PhD

Massive Data Institute Postdoctoral Fellow
McCourt School of Public Policy

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  1. Sign in with any Microsoft Account (Hotmail, Outlook, Azure, etc.)
    • Create a folder to put it in, mark as private or public

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  1. Open a notebook
    • Open this notebook to have the code to play with
    • Open a blank notebook to follow along and try on your own.

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HTTP Error 400. The size of the request headers is too long

Clear your cookies then refresh the browser.

Your Environment

Your Environment

  • ctrl/apple+ enter runs a cell

Your Environment

  • Persistent memory
    • If you run a cell, results remain as long as the kernel


In [1]:
foo = 'some variable content'
In [2]:
some variable content

Your Environment: Saving

  • If your kernel dies, data are gone.
  • Not R or Stata, you can't save your whole environment
  • Data in memory more than spreadsheets
  • Think carefully about what you want to save and how.

Easy Saving: Pickle

  • dump to save the data to hard drive (out of memory)
  • Contents of the command:

    • variable to save,
    • File to dump the variable into:
      • open(
        "name of file in quotes",
        "wb") "Write Binary"
  • Note: double and single quotes both work

In [ ]:
mydata = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
pickle.dump(mydata, open('mydata.p','wb'))
mydata = pickle.load(open("mydata.p","rb"))

Get your environment ready

  • We'll cover the basics later, for now start installing and loading packages by running the following code:
In [4]:
import networkx as nx
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pickle
import itertools
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pysal as ps
import statsmodels.api as sm
%matplotlib inline

Last time on Network Analysis in Python...

Exploratory Analysis

  • What is a network
  • Building a network
  • Understandinc Centrality
  • Clustring
  • Intro to Random Networks
  • Intro to Community Detection # And NOW, the conclusion... ### Inference: Asking Network Questions

Before Constructing a Network...

What Do We Want From Relational Data?

Types of Analysis:

Types of Analysis:

Types of Analysis:

Types of Analysis:

Types of Analysis:

Types of Analysis:

Types of Analysis:

Types of Analysis:

Types of Analysis:


Use some of the tools we from last week, (plus some new ones) to ask network questions about our data

  • What is your data?
  • What questions are you interested in?

Asking Network Questions

  1. Hypothesize about behavior or a structural constraint
    • Behavior: People make friends with those with similar interests (Homophily)
    • Structural Constraint: People are more likely to interact with others close by
  1. How do you expect that behavior to affect the network, or vice versa
    • Homophily should lead to clustering
    • Expect geographic clusters of friends
  1. Are there other hypotheses that predict the same observed network? Can you distinguish them?
    • Is clustering centered on attributes or geography? How much is due to which?
  1. Is the expected pattern more prevelant in the observed network than a random network?
    • What is the probability that your network could have been generated randomly without your hypothesized dynamic?
    • Regression: Does an individual attribute correlate with an expected pattern?

Let's Instantiate Some graphs to work with:

Florentine Marriage Networks

  • Families in this graph are connected when there are marriage ties between them
In [5]:
florentine =

Let's Instantiate Some graphs to work with:

Karate Club Graph:

  • Interactions between members of a drama-fraught university karate club outside of official club activities.
In [6]:
karate =

Karate Club:

  • A fight broke out between an administrator and instructor, breaking the club into two organizations.
  • Hypothesis: Pre-existing friendships influence which side individuals will pick in a fight
  • Alt-Hypothesis: People will side with the person they think is right in a conflict
  • Test: Does clustering of friendships predict who will join which new karate club?

Community Detection: Review

  • Divide the network into subgroups using different algorithms
  • Girvan Newman Algorithm: Remove ties with highest betweenness, continue until network broken into desired number of communities

Image from:

Community Detection: Modularity Maximization

Community Detection: Modularity Maximization

  • Find divide that maximizes internal connections, minimizes external connections

Image from

Modularity Maximization Algorithms

  • As graphs get bigger, impossible to try all combinations of divisions to find the best one.
  • Different algorithms try to maximize modularity in different ways
    • leidenalg implements package one of the best, works with igraph.
    • python-louvain/ community work with networkx
    • Built-in Networkx algorithm for unweighted undirected networks
In [7]:
modular_communities =
greedy_comms = modular_communities(karate)

How did they do?

In [55]:
boundary = nx.algorithms.boundary.edge_boundary
print('quality: ',,greedy_comms), 
     'density: ',nx.density(karate))
for i,com in enumerate(greedy_comms): 
    n = len(nx.subgraph(karate,com).edges)
    b = [len(list(boundary(karate,com,c))) for c in greedy_comms[:i]+greedy_comms[i+1:]] 
    d = nx.density(nx.subgraph(karate,com))
    print('internal edges: ',n, 'external edges: ',sum(b), 'density: ',d)
quality:  0.714795008912656 density:  0.13903743315508021
internal edges:  34 external edges:  10 density:  0.25
internal edges:  13 external edges:  16 density:  0.3611111111111111
internal edges:  12 external edges:  12 density:  0.42857142857142855

Okay, but we got three and there were two sides to the fight. Let's try Newman Grivan

In [8]:
ng_comms =
for com in itertools.islice(ng_comms,1):
    ng_comms = [c for c in com]

How did Newman Grivan do?

In [65]:
print('quality: ',,ng_comms), 
     'density: ',nx.density(karate))
for i,com in enumerate(ng_comms): 
    n = len(nx.subgraph(karate,com).edges)
    b = [len(list(boundary(karate,com,c))) for c in greedy_comms[:i]+ng_comms[i+1:]] 
    d = nx.density(nx.subgraph(karate,com))
    print('internal edges: ',n, 'external edges: ',sum(b), 'density: ',d)
quality:  0.6114081996434938 density:  0.13903743315508021
internal edges:  28 external edges:  10 density:  0.26666666666666666
internal edges:  40 external edges:  39 density:  0.23391812865497075

High overlap, one NG community contains two greedy communities

In [66]:
[{0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 21}, {32, 33, 2, 8, 9, 14, 15, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31}]
[frozenset({32, 33, 8, 14, 15, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31}), frozenset({1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 12, 13, 17, 21}), frozenset({0, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 16, 19})]
The history saving thread hit an unexpected error (OperationalError('database or disk is full',)).History will not be written to the database.
In [9]:
greedy_2 = [set(greedy_comms[0]), set(greedy_comms[1]).union(greedy_comms[2])]

How is the new set?

  • Slightly better, we'll use it
In [74]:
boundary = nx.algorithms.boundary.edge_boundary
print('quality: ',,greedy_2), 
     'density: ',nx.density(karate))
for i,com in enumerate(greedy_2): 
    n = len(nx.subgraph(karate,com).edges)
    b = [len(list(boundary(karate,com,c))) for c in greedy_comms[:i]+greedy_2[i+1:]] 
    d = nx.density(nx.subgraph(karate,com))
    print('internal edges: ',n, 'external edges: ',sum(b), 'density: ',d)
quality:  0.6185383244206774 density:  0.13903743315508021
internal edges:  34 external edges:  10 density:  0.25
internal edges:  34 external edges:  10 density:  0.25

Who Joined What Club?

  • We did pretty well!
In [133]:
membership = [{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 , 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 21},
              {9, 14, 15, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33}]

Visualizing The Network and Results

  • Matplotlib package, imported as plt
    • %matplotlib inline magic to make it plot in the notebook
In [407]:
adj_labeled = nx.to_pandas_adjacency(florentine)
order = adj_labeled.sum().sort_values().index
adj_labeled = adj_labeled.loc[order,order]
plt.figure(figsize = (8,6))
plt.yticks(np.arange(0.5, len(adj_labeled.index), 1), adj_labeled.index, fontsize = 20)
plt.xticks(np.arange(0.5, len(adj_labeled.index), 1), adj_labeled.columns, rotation =45, ha='right', fontsize=20 )
cbar =plt.colorbar()

Graph Plotting Algorithms

  • Can learn something by placing the nodes in an intelligent way
  • Spring Algorithm: Put nodes that are connected closer together
In [145]:
pos = nx.spring_layout(karate)
deg =
deg = [deg[k]*400 for k in karate.nodes]
nx.draw_networkx(karate,pos=pos, with_labels=True,

Add Color

In [146]:
colors = []
for n in karate.nodes:
    if n in greedy_2[0]:
nx.draw_networkx(karate,pos=pos, with_labels=True,
                node_size=deg,font_size=30, node_color = colors,alpha=.5)

Add Membership

In [147]:
m1 = [n for n in karate.nodes if n in membership[0]]
m1_col = [colors[i] for i, n in enumerate(karate.nodes) if n in membership[0]]
m1_deg = [deg[i] for i, n in enumerate(karate.nodes) if n in membership[0]]
m2 = [n for n in karate.nodes if n in membership[1]]
m2_col = [colors[i] for i, n in enumerate(karate.nodes) if n in membership[1]]
m2_deg = [deg[i] for i, n in enumerate(karate.nodes) if n in membership[1]]
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(nx.subgraph(karate,m1),pos=pos, alpha=.5,
                node_size=m1_deg, node_color = m1_col, node_shape='s',)
                node_size=m2_deg, node_color = m2_col,)
nx.draw_networkx_labels(karate, pos=pos,font_size=30,)
<matplotlib.collections.LineCollection at 0x7fce080b5828>

Is the Relationship Significant?

P(join club | friend joins)

  • TNAM and Statnet in R
  • Bayesian modeling with pymc3, stan, or Edward
  • Spatial model for simple models

    • Fewer canned models in Python. We have to add an uninformative exogenous variable

    ## NO OLS, your observations are not independent

In [408]:
from pysal.weights.weights import W as inst_weights
y = []
x = []
f = 0
for n in karate.nodes:
#     x.append()
    if f:
        f =1
    if n in membership[0]:
    else: y.append(1)
x = np.array(x)
y = np.array([y]).T
neighbors = {n: list(karate[n].keys()) for n in karate.nodes}
neighbors = inst_weights(neighbors)
m = ps.spreg.GM_Lag(y,x,w=neighbors, spat_diag=True,)
Data set            :     unknown
Weights matrix      :     unknown
Dependent Variable  :     dep_var                Number of Observations:          34
Mean dependent var  :      0.5000                Number of Variables   :           4
S.D. dependent var  :      0.5075                Degrees of Freedom    :          30
Pseudo R-squared    :      0.7232
Spatial Pseudo R-squared: omitted due to rho outside the boundary (-1, 1).
            Variable     Coefficient       Std.Error     z-Statistic     Probability
            CONSTANT      -0.2500000             nan             nan             nan
               var_1       0.2500000       0.0320442       7.8017275       0.0000000
               var_2      -0.1250000             nan             nan             nan
           W_dep_var       1.0395490       0.2449925       4.2431877       0.0000220
Instrumented: W_dep_var
Instruments: W_var_1, W_var_2
Warning: *** WARNING: Estimate for spatial lag coefficient is outside the boundary (-1, 1). ***

TEST                           MI/DF       VALUE           PROB
Anselin-Kelejian Test             1           2.192          0.1387
================================ END OF REPORT =====================================
/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pysal/spreg/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt
  se_result = np.sqrt(variance)
/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pysal/spreg/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt
  tStat = betas[list(range(0, len(vm)))].reshape(len(vm),) / np.sqrt(variance)

Hypothesize About Network Construction

  • Karate Network: Network represents friendships
  • Hypothesis Friends of friends are more likely to become friends
  • Expectation: See more triangles than random
In [212]:
n = len(karate.nodes)
den = nx.density(karate)
t = nx.triangles(karate)
t = sum([t[i] for i in t])
triangles = []
for sim in range(500):
    g = nx.gnp_random_graph(n,den)
    tri = nx.triangles(g)
    triangles.append(sum(tri[i] for i in tri))

Other metrics to compare

  • Degree distribution
  • Centrality distribution
  • Centralization

Centrality Distributions

  • Random graph above assumes every pair has the same probability of having an edge.
  • Each node therefore has on average the same number of ties (expected degree)
  • Many real networks follow a power law
    • More nodes than expected have many ties or few ties
    • Distribution of degree has fat tails
  • Are there super popular hubs? Are there lots of loners or individuals with only one tie?
In [213]:
deg = [i[1] for i in]
g_deg = [i[1] for i in]
pd.DataFrame({'karate':deg,'random':g_deg}).plot.hist(alpha = .5)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fce0791f198>

Florentine Network

  • What do you expect the degree distribution to look like?
  • Why?
  • Calculate it and see
In [217]:
deg = [i[1] for i in]
g = nx.gnp_random_graph(len(florentine.nodes),nx.density(florentine))
g_deg = [i[1] for i in]
pd.DataFrame({'karate':deg,'random':g_deg}).plot.hist(alpha = .5)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fce080826a0>

Degree Distribution and Network Structure

In [268]:
g = nx.Graph()
pos = nx.spring_layout(g,k=.65)


  • How central the most central node is in relation to all others
  • Centralized graphs have one or a few highly prominent nodes
  • Decentralized graphs have more equal distribution of influence
  • Strong implications for behavior and information flow

Sum of difference between highest centrality node and all others, divided by the max difference for network of the same size

In [264]:
def centralization(g):
    deg = [i[1] for i in]
    max_deg = max(deg)
    N = len(g.nodes)-1
    numerator = sum([max_deg -i for i in deg])
    denomenator = (N-1)**2
    return numerator/denomenator


  • Extent to which graph has some nodes that are much more prominent than others
  • Centralized graphs have one or a few highly prominent nodes
  • Decentralized graphs have more equal distribution of influence
  • Strong implications for behavior and information flow
In [269]:

Proper Baselines: Random Networks Capturing These Dynamics

  • Compare network to one exhibiting the traits you care about ## Preferential Attachment
  • Notable individuals are easier to notice, or more desireable, and therefore gain ties faster than less well-connected nodes
  • Barabasi Albert Graph: Nodes introduced sequentially, form ties to existing nodes
    • set number of nodes, how many ties each forms
In [285]:

Compare the preferential attachment graph to others

  • Barabasi Albert graph degree distribution to Karate and Erdos Renyi
  • Compare centralization to Karate and Erdos Renyi
In [290]:
g_rand = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(len(karate.nodes),nx.density(g))
print('ER centralization: ',centralization(g_rand))
print('Karate centralization: ',centralization(karate))
pd.DataFrame({'Karate': [i[1] for i in],
             'Erdos Renyi': [i[1] for i in],
             'Barabasi Albert': [i[1] for i in]}
ER centralization:  0.171875
Karate centralization:  0.412109375
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fce078cddd8>

Hypothesis Testing: Preferential Attachment

Use ERGM in R, with Statnet

  • Probability of observed network given covariates about the network
  • Used to generate random graphs with specific models
  • Only works for small networks, hard to estimate
  • Latent Space Models also useful


The rest of the notebook contains a case study for you to go through on your own

Case Study: Senate Co-Sponsorship

  • Nodes: Senators
  • Links: Sponsorship of the same piece of legislation.
  • Weighted

    Download here:;jsessionid=e627083a7d8f43616bbe7d4ada3e?fileId=615937&version=RELEASED&version=.0

    Start with the cosponsors.txt file

  • Similar to an edgelist for a bipartite graph
    • Each line is a bill
    • Each line lists all cosponsors

Load The Cosponsor Data

  1. Instantiate a list for the edgelist
  2. Open the file
  3. Loop through lines
  4. Store the lines
In [449]:
edges = []
with open('Cosponsors.txt') as d:
    for line in d:

Subset the Data: Year


  • Download dates.txt
  • Each row is the date
  • Year, month, day separated by "-"
In [450]:
dates = pd.read_csv('Dates.txt',sep='-',header=None)
dates.columns = ['year','month','day']
index_loc = np.where(dates.year==2000)
edges_00 = [edges[i] for i in index_loc[0]]

Subset the Data: Senate

  • Download senate.csv
  • Gives the ids for senators
  • Filter down to the rows for 106th congress (2000)

    This gives us our nodes

  • Instantiate adjacency matrix of size nxn
  • Create an ordinal index so we can index the matrix
  • Add an attribute
In [451]:
# Get nodes
senate = pd.read_csv('',sep='\t')
senators = senate.loc[senate.congress==106,['id','party']]
# Creae adjacency matrix
adj_mat = np.zeros([len(senators),len(senators)])
senators = pd.DataFrame(senators)
# Create Graph Object
senateG= nx.Graph()
party_dict = dict(zip(,
nx.set_node_attributes(senateG, name='party',values=party_dict)

Create the network (two ways)

  • Loop through bills
  • Check that there's data, and that it's a senate bill
  • Create pairs for every combination of cosponsors ### Add directly to NetworkX graph object
  • Add edges from the list of combinations
  • Not weighted ### Add to adjacency matrix using new index
  • Identify index for each pair
  • Add to adjacency matrix using index
In [452]:
for bill in edges_00:
    if bill[0] == "NA": continue
    bill = [int(i) for i in bill]
    if bill[0] not in list( continue
    combos = list(itertools.combinations(bill,2))
    for pair in combos:
        i = senators.loc[ == int(pair[0]), 'adj_ind']
        j = senators.loc[ == int(pair[1]), 'adj_ind']

Set edge weights for Network Object

In [453]:
for row in range(len(adj_mat)):
    cols = np.where(adj_mat[row,:])[0]
    i = senators.loc[senators.adj_ind==row,'id']
    i = int(i)
    for col in cols:
        j = senators.loc[senators.adj_ind==col,'id']
        j = int(j)


  • Some bills have everyone as a sponsor
  • These popular bills are less informative, end up with complete network
  • Threshold: Take edges above a certain weight (more than n cosponsorships)
  • Try different numbers
In [481]:
bill_dict = nx.get_edge_attributes(senateG,'bills')
elarge=[(i,j) for (i,j) in bill_dict  if bill_dict[(i,j)] >25]
In [482]:
pos = nx.spring_layout(senateG,k=.6)
deg = [(i[1]**2)/2700 for i in, weight='bills')]
nx.draw_networkx(senateG, pos=pos, edgelist = elarge,
                 node_size = deg, with_labels=True)

Take out the singletons to get a clearer picture:

In [483]:
senateGt= nx.Graph()
deg =
rem = [n[0] for n in deg if n[1]==0]
senateGt_all = senateGt.copy()
deg = [(i[1])**1.7 for i in, weight='bills')]
pos = nx.spring_layout(senateGt,k=.7)
nx.draw_networkx(senateGt,pos=pos,node_size =deg, with_labels=True)

Look at the degree distribution

In [485]:
pd.DataFrame({'weighted':[(i[1]) for i in, weight='bills')],
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fcdeb654198>

Look at party in the network

Extract the party information

  • Democrats coded as 100, republicans as 200
In [486]:
party = nx.get_node_attributes(senateG,'party')
dems = []
gop = []
for i in party:
    if party[i]==100: dems.append(i)
    else: gop.append(i)

Prepare the Visualization

  • Create positional coordinates for the groups with ties, and without ties
  • Instantiate dictionaries to hold different sets of coordinates
  • Loop through party members
    • If they have no parters, add calculated position to the lonely dictionary
    • If they have partners, add calculated position to the party dictionary
In [487]:
pos = nx.spring_layout(senateGt,k=.65)
pos_all = nx.circular_layout(senateG)
dem_lone = {}
gop_lone= {}
for n in dems:
    if n in rem: dem_lone[n]=pos_all[n]
    else:dem_dict[n] = pos[n]
for n in gop:
    if n in rem: gop_lone[n]=pos_all[n]
    else:gop_dict[n] = pos[n]

Visualize the network by party

  • Create lists of the party members who have ties
  • Draw nodes in four categories using the position dictionaries we created
    • party members, untied party members
In [488]:
dems = list(set(dems)-set(rem))
gop = list(set(gop)-set(rem))
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(senateGt, pos=dem_dict, nodelist = dems,node_color='b',node_size = 100)
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(senateGt, pos=gop_dict, nodelist = gop,node_color='r', node_size = 100)
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(senateG, pos=dem_lone, nodelist = list(dem_lone.keys()),node_color='b',node_size = 200)
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(senateG, pos=gop_lone, nodelist = list(gop_lone.keys()),node_color='r', node_size = 200)
nx.draw_networkx_edges(senateGt,pos=pos, edgelist=elarge)
<matplotlib.collections.LineCollection at 0x7fcdeb5f3da0>

Do it again with a higher threshold:

In [490]:
elarge=[(i,j) for (i,j) in bill_dict  if bill_dict[(i,j)] >35]
dems = list(set(dems)-set(rem))
gop = list(set(gop)-set(rem))
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(senateGt, pos=dem_dict, nodelist = dems,node_color='b',node_size = 100)
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(senateGt, pos=gop_dict, nodelist = gop,node_color='r', node_size = 100)
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(senateGt_all, pos=dem_lone, nodelist = list(dem_lone.keys()),node_color='b',node_size = 100)
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(senateGt_all, pos=gop_lone, nodelist = list(gop_lone.keys()),node_color='r', node_size = 100)
nx.draw_networkx_edges(senateGt,pos=pos, edgelist=elarge)
<matplotlib.collections.LineCollection at 0x7fcdeb3506a0>

Hypothesis: Homophily

  • Excpect senators who have more similar beliefs (in same party) to co-sponsor bills more often
  • Use the greedy algorithm to generate communities
In [462]:
colors = modular_communities(senateGt, weight = 'bills')

Visualize the Communities

  • Calculate a position for all nodes
  • Separate network by the communities
  • Draw the first set as red
  • Draw the second set as blue
  • Add the edges
In [463]:
elarge=[(i,j) for (i,j) in bill_dict  if bill_dict[(i,j)] >35]
pos = nx.spring_layout(senateGt)
for n in colors[0]:
    pos0[n] = pos[n]
for n in colors[1]:
    pos1[n] = pos[n]
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(senateGt, pos=pos0, nodelist = colors[0],node_color='r')
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(senateGt, pos=pos1, nodelist = colors[1],node_color='b')
nx.draw_networkx_edges(senateGt,pos=pos, edgelist=elarge)
<matplotlib.collections.LineCollection at 0x7fcdfbdcb780>

How did we do?

How many were misclassified

  • Note: It's random, so you may need to flip the comparison by switching colors[0] and colors[1] #### Did pretty well!
In [465]:
print('gop misclassification')
for i in colors[0]:
    if i in dems: print(i,len(senateGt[i]))
print('dem misclassification')
for i in colors[1]: 
    if i in gop: print(i,len(senateGt[i]))
gop misclassification
49701 82
49702 81
14920 85
15705 87
dem misclassification
14240 79
11044 8
14506 36
14910 35
49905 63

Pretty, but now what?

Structure is interesting itself

Research Questions

Effects of networks

  • How does a congressman's betweenness centrality affect their committee placement?
  • How does a congressman's degree centrality affect their reelection?
  • How does a party's modularity affect their ability to accomplish their agenda
  • Does the behavior of tied nodes affect the behavior of a node?
  • Is there diffusion across the network?

Use Network Variables in Your Regression

  • Control for centrality measures or other positional effects
  • Party or community as unit of analysis
  • Use network lags to account for interdependence (adapt a var or spatial lag model)
    • Remember, if you use spatial lags, you need to correct for it in your error term to get unbiased standard errors
    • p(y) conditional on y for neighboring nodes
    • Learn more here. Use your adjacency matrix for W instead of distance decay function.

Load some more data from Fowler

  • SH file
  • .tab or .csv, depending on source
  • pb: sponsored bills passing chamber
  • pa: sponsored ammendments passing chamber
In [466]:
sh = pd.read_csv('',sep='\t')
model_data = sh.loc[
    (sh.congress == 106) & (sh.chamber=='S'),

Merge in some network data

  • Remember: The merge works because they have the same index
In [467]:
deg_cent = nx.degree_centrality(senateGt)
deg_cent = pd.Series(deg_cent)

Degree is not significant

In [468]:
y =model_data.loc[:,'passed']
x =model_data.loc[:,['degree','dem']]
x['c'] = 1
ols_model1 = sm.GLM(y,x,missing='drop',family=sm.families.NegativeBinomial())
results =
                 Generalized Linear Model Regression Results                  
Dep. Variable:                 passed   No. Observations:                   96
Model:                            GLM   Df Residuals:                       93
Model Family:        NegativeBinomial   Df Model:                            2
Link Function:                    log   Scale:                          1.0000
Method:                          IRLS   Log-Likelihood:                -406.00
Date:                Fri, 01 Feb 2019   Deviance:                       39.624
Time:                        15:05:53   Pearson chi2:                     46.6
No. Iterations:                     7   Covariance Type:             nonrobust
                 coef    std err          z      P>|z|      [0.025      0.975]
degree         0.2594      0.459      0.566      0.572      -0.639       1.158
dem           -0.3509      0.228     -1.539      0.124      -0.798       0.096
c              3.2358      0.246     13.153      0.000       2.754       3.718

What about Betweenness?


It's not how many bills that matter, it's who you cosponsor with

In [ ]:
bet_cent = nx.closeness_centrality(senateG,weight='bills',)
bet_cent = pd.Series(bet_cent)
y =model_data.loc[:,'passed']
x =model_data.loc[:,['between','dem']]
x['c'] = 1
model1 = sm.GLM(y,x,missing='drop',family=sm.families.NegativeBinomial())
results =

How Do You Plan To Use Networks in Your Research?
