Collecting and Using Data in Python

Laila A. Wahedi, PhD

Massive Data Institute Postdoctoral Fellow
McCourt School of Public Policy

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  1. Sign in with any Microsoft Account (Hotmail, Outlook, Azure, etc.)
    • Create a folder to put it in, mark as private or public

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  1. Open a notebook
    • Open this notebook to have the code to play with
    • Open a blank notebook to follow along and try on your own.

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Your Environment

Your Environment

  • ctrl/apple+ enter runs a cell

Your Environment

  • Persistent memory
    • If you run a cell, results remain as long as the kernel


Your Environment: Saving

  • If your kernel dies, data are gone.
  • Not R or Stata, you can't save your whole environment
  • Data in memory more than spreadsheets
  • Think carefully about what you want to save and how.

Easy Saving (more later)

  • dump to save the data to hard drive (out of memory)
  • Contents of the command:

    • variable to save,
    • File to dump the variable into:
      • open(
        "name of file in quotes",
        "wb") "Write Binary"
  • Note: double and single quotes both work

In [4]:
import pickle
mydata = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
pickle.dump(mydata, open('mydata.p','wb'))

Save more than one variable:

  • Put them in a list
In [6]:
more_data = [10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]
pickle.dump([mydata,more_data], open('so_much_data.p','wb'))

Loading the data from a pickle

  • open(<"path to file">
    "rb") "Read Binary"
  • Don't mix up rb and wb. wb will overwrite rb.
In [7]:
mydata = pickle.load(open("mydata.p",'rb'))
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

Unpack the variables you saved on the fly

In [12]:
[mydata, more_data] = pickle.load(open('so_much_data.p','rb'))
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
[10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

Representing Data

  • 1D Vectors of data in:
    • Lists
    • Arrays
    • Series


  • Square brackets []
  • Can contain anything
  • Ordered zero-indexing
  • Slice with :
  • Negatives to go backwards
  • Third position to skip
In [119]:
my_list = [1,3,2,4,7,'Sandwich']
[1, 3]
[1, 2]

Arrays in Numpy

  • Like arrays from Matlab
  • Vectors and multi-dimensional arrays
  • Numpy and scipy do math functions, and output in arrays
  • Index like lists
In [14]:
import numpy as np
my_array = np.random.poisson(lam=3,size=10)
[0 5 4 2 6 2 3 1 2 2]

Series in Pandas

  • Pandas is a package that creates labeled data frames
  • Series are 1d Vectors
  • Instantiate from list or array
  • Built on Numpy
In [16]:
import pandas as pd
my_series = pd.Series(my_list)

Why Series: Label your data

In [17]:
my_series = pd.Series(my_array,
                      index = [1,2,3,'cat','dog','10','n',8,7,6])

1      0
2      5
3      4
cat    2
dog    6
10     2
n      3
8      1
7      2
6      2
dtype: int64

Why Series: Suite of tools

In [18]:
my_series = pd.Series(['hello world','hello planet'])
0     goodbye world
1    goodbye planet
dtype: object

Arrays Series and Lists Can Be Converted

In [20]:
new_list = list(my_array)
[0, 5, 4, 2, 6, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2]

Two Dimensions

  • List of lists
  • Dictionary of lists
  • Array
  • Pandas Data Frame

Lists of Lists (or tuples)

  • Tuples are ordered collections like lists, but can't be changed once instantiated.
  • Each item in list contains a row.
  • Remember the position/order of your variables.
In [24]:
my_2d_list = [[1,4],[2,1],[8,10],[4,7],[9,2],[4,5]]
my_3var_list = [(1,4,7),(2,1,0),(8,10,2),(4,7,4),(9,2,7),(4,5,3)]

Add a variable from another list

  • You can only add to a list of lists, not tuples
  • Must be the proper order and same length
In [25]:
for i,new_var in enumerate(my_list):
[[1, 4, 1], [2, 1, 3], [8, 10, 2], [4, 7, 4], [9, 2, 7], [4, 5, 8]]

Keep Track of Variable Names With Dictionaries

  • Curly Brackets
  • Lots of memory, but search columns fast
  • Easily add variables
  • Index data with labels
In [90]:
my_dict = {
    'var2': [4,1,10,7,2,5]
[1, 3, 2, 4, 7, 8]

Use numpy to maintain a matrix shape

  • Instantiate a 2d array with a list of lists or tuples
  • Each variable is a column, each internal list/tuple a row
  • Index each dimension like a list, separated by a comma. [row,column]
In [120]:
my_matrix = np.array(my_2d_list)
my_other_matrix = np.array(my_3var_list)
[[ 1  4  1]
 [ 2  1  3]
 [ 8 10  2]
 [ 4  7  4]
 [ 9  2  7]
 [ 4  5  8]]
[1 4]

Concatenate your matrices by stacking

  • Axis = 0
In [37]:
big_matrix = np.concatenate([my_matrix, my_other_matrix],axis=0)
[[ 1  4  1]
 [ 2  1  3]
 [ 8 10  2]
 [ 4  7  4]
 [ 9  2  7]
 [ 4  5  8]
 [ 1  4  7]
 [ 2  1  0]
 [ 8 10  2]
 [ 4  7  4]
 [ 9  2  7]
 [ 4  5  3]]

Concatenate your matrices side by side

  • Axis = 1
In [41]:
big_matrix = np.concatenate([my_matrix, my_other_matrix],axis=1)
[[ 1  4  1  1  4  7]
 [ 2  1  3  2  1  0]
 [ 8 10  2  8 10  2]
 [ 4  7  4  4  7  4]
 [ 9  2  7  9  2  7]
 [ 4  5  8  4  5  3]]

Do Matrix Operations

  • Scalar multiplication
  • Point-wise addition, subtraction, etc.
  • Transpose
In [43]:
print(my_matrix.T + my_other_matrix.T*5)
[[ 6 12 48 24 54 24]
 [24  6 60 42 12 30]
 [36  3 12 24 42 23]]

Instantiate A Random Matrix For Simulations

In [126]:
my_rand_matrix = np.random.randn(5,3)
[[-1.55580936 -0.17261167  0.75196263]
 [ 0.84330579  1.33124031  0.3352658 ]
 [ 0.27599767 -1.15216039 -0.78153232]
 [-0.05247263  0.60094014  0.60057787]
 [-1.16768905 -0.43397707 -0.75927943]]

Index like a list with a comma between dimensions:

  • [row,column]
  • Each Column From A Different Normal Distribution:
    • Multiply normal distribution by sigma, add mu
In [127]:
[[  4.22209532   5.42165289   5.13799884   4.97376368   4.41615548]
 [ -5.08630584  -4.33437984  -5.5760802   -4.69952993  -5.21698854]
 [ 57.51962633  53.35265798  42.1846768   56.00577874  42.40720567]]

Sparse Matrices Save Memory When You Have Lots of Zeros

  • Create a big empty array
  • Create indexes to add values
  • Add some values to each coordinate. e.g. place 4 in position (1,3,8)
In [128]:
BIG_array = np.zeros((100,100))
rows = (1,6,29,40,43,50)
columns = (3,6,90,58,34,88)

Sparse Matrices Save Memory When You Have Lots of Zeros

In [129]:
import scipy as sp
from scipy import sparse
BIG_array = sparse.csc_matrix(BIG_array)
  (1, 3)	4.0
  (6, 6)	6.0
  (43, 34)	3.0
  (40, 58)	1.0
  (50, 88)	22.0
  (29, 90)	14.0

Maintain Shape AND Labels with Pandas

  • DataFrames like R
  • Lots of built in functions
  • Instantiate from a dictionary...
In [130]:
df = pd.DataFrame(my_dict)
var1 var2 var3
0 1 4 1
1 2 1 3
2 8 10 2
3 4 7 4
4 9 2 7
5 4 5 8

Instantiate Your Data Frame...

  • From a list of lists/tuples
In [131]:
df = pd.DataFrame(my_2d_list,
                 columns = ['var1','var2','var3'])
var1 var2 var3
0 1 4 1
1 2 1 3
2 8 10 2
3 4 7 4
4 9 2 7
5 4 5 8

Instantiate Your Data Frame...

  • From a matrix
  • Name your rows too!
In [132]:
df = pd.DataFrame(my_rand_matrix, 
                  columns = ['dist_1','dist_2','dist_3'],
                 index = ['obs1','obs2','obs3','obs4','fred'])
dist_1 dist_2 dist_3
obs1 4.222095 -5.086306 57.519626
obs2 5.421653 -4.334380 53.352658
obs3 5.137999 -5.576080 42.184677
obs4 4.973764 -4.699530 56.005779
fred 4.416155 -5.216989 42.407206

Never Say No To Pandas

Using Documentation

Summarize Your Data

In [133]:
dist_1 dist_2 dist_3
count 5.000000 5.000000 5.000000
mean 4.834333 -4.982657 50.293989
std 0.501574 0.479122 7.452384
min 4.222095 -5.576080 42.184677
25% 4.416155 -5.216989 42.407206
50% 4.973764 -5.086306 53.352658
75% 5.137999 -4.699530 56.005779
max 5.421653 -4.334380 57.519626

Look at your data with Matplotlib integration

  • Matplotlib is like plotting in matlab
  • Try ggplot package for ggplot2 in python
  • See also Seaborn and Plotly
  • Use some ipython magic to see plots inline
In [134]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fdaf0662128>

One Variable At A Time:

In [135]:
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fdaf06b4828>

Real Data

Load Data from a text file

We will use the Big Allied and Dangerous Data from START

In [95]:
baad_covars = pd.read_csv('',sep='\t')

Look at the data

  • Also try .tail()
In [96]:
mastertccode3606 group statespond cowmastercountry masterccode fatalities19982005 OrgAge ordsize terrStrong degree ContainRelig ContainEthno LeftNoReligEthno PureRelig PureEthno ReligEthno ContainRelig2 ContainEthno2 Islam
0 50 Animal Liberation Front (ALF) 0 United States of America 2 0 30 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 89 Army of God 0 United States of America 2 1 24 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
2 113 Cambodian Freedom Fighters (CFF) 0 United States of America 2 0 8 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Explore the data structure

In [76]:
(395, 19)
Index(['mastertccode3606', 'group', 'statespond', 'cowmastercountry',
       'masterccode', 'fatalities19982005', 'OrgAge', 'ordsize', 'terrStrong',
       'degree', 'ContainRelig', 'ContainEthno', 'LeftNoReligEthno',
       'PureRelig', 'PureEthno', 'ReligEthno', 'ContainRelig2',
       'ContainEthno2', 'Islam'],

Rename things and adjust values

  • Use dictionaries to rename and replace
In [77]:
baad_covars.rename(columns = {'cowmastercountry':'country',
            inplace = True)
baad_covars.replace({'country':{'United States of America':'US'}},
            inplace = True)
print('Dimensions: ',baad_covars.shape)
Dimensions:  (395, 19)
group_code group statespond country ccode fatalities OrgAge ordsize terrStrong degree ContainRelig ContainEthno LeftNoReligEthno PureRelig PureEthno ReligEthno ContainRelig2 ContainEthno2 Islam
0 50 Animal Liberation Front (ALF) 0 US 2 0 30 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 89 Army of God 0 US 2 1 24 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
2 113 Cambodian Freedom Fighters (CFF) 0 US 2 0 8 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
3 126 Coalition to Save the Preserves (CSP) 0 US 2 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 153 Earth Liberation Front (ELF) 0 US 2 0 14 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Set a useful index

In [39]:
#Set the index
baad_covars.set_index(['group_code'],inplace = True)
group statespond country ccode fatalities OrgAge ordsize terrStrong degree ContainRelig ContainEthno LeftNoReligEthno PureRelig PureEthno ReligEthno ContainRelig2 ContainEthno2 Islam
50 Animal Liberation Front (ALF) 0 US 2 0 30 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
89 Army of God 0 US 2 1 24 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
113 Cambodian Freedom Fighters (CFF) 0 US 2 0 8 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
126 Coalition to Save the Preserves (CSP) 0 US 2 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
153 Earth Liberation Front (ELF) 0 US 2 0 14 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Save Your Changes

  • Save it to a usable spreadsheet instead of an unreadable binary
In [78]:


  • Get specific values from the dataframe.
  • Pandas has several slice operators.
    • iloc can be used to index the row by ordered integer. i.e. first row is 0, second row is 1, etc. Use this option sparingly. Better practice to use the index you have created.
    • loc uses the named index and columns.
  • Index using [row, columns]
  • Put your column names in a list
  • Use : for all values
  • Notice that the output keeps the index names.
In [40]:
baad_covars.loc[:, ['fatalities']].head()
50     0
89     1
113    0
126    0
153    0
Name: fatalities, dtype: int64

Slicing Using Conditionals

  • Put conditionals in parentheses
  • Stack multiple conditionals using:
    • & when both conditions must always apply
    • | when at least one condition must apply
In [41]:
baad_covars.loc[(baad_covars.fatalities>1) | (>=1),
group country
50 Animal Liberation Front (ALF) US
153 Earth Liberation Front (ELF) US
30035 Maras Salvatruchas US
10042 Group of Guerilla Combatants of Jose Maria Mor... Mexico
246 Justice Army of the Defenseless People Mexico

Find a list of religious groups with territory

Find a list of religious groups with territory

In [102]:
198 Hisba
203 Lord's Resistance Army (LRA)
238 Ansar al-Islam
252 Mahdi Army
272 Hezbollah
281 Hamas
298 Hizb-I-Islami
303 Taliban
305 Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU)
356 al-Qaeda
379 Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)
383 Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF)
384 Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF)
391 Jemaah Islamiya (JI)
392 Laskar Jihad

Plot a histogram of organization age with 20 bins

Plot a histogram of organization age with 20 bins

In [103]:
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fdaf0883588>

Grouping By Variables

  • Groupby(): List the variables to group by
  • .function(): How to aggregate the rows
    • Try: .count(), .mean(), .first(), .mode()
In [83]:
state_level = baad_covars.loc[:,['country','OrgAge',
OrgAge ordsize degree fatalities
Afghanistan 58 4 11 353
Algeria 24 2 6 409
Angola 83 5 0 276
Argentina 2 0 0 0
Bangladesh 83 5 4 80

Making New Columns

Assign values to a new column based on other columns:

In [62]:
baad_covars['big'] = 0
baad_covars.loc[(baad_covars.fatalities>1) | 
50     1
89     0
113    0
126    0
153    1
Name: big, dtype: int64

Handle Missing Values

First lets make some

  • Default python type: None
  • Numpy datatype that can be treated like a number: np.nan
  • Pandas turns None into an np.nan
In [54]:
baad_covars.loc[(baad_covars.fatalities>1) | (>=1),
               ['terrStrong']] = None
baad_covars.loc[(baad_covars.fatalities>1) | (>=1),
<class 'float'>
50 NaN
153 NaN
30035 NaN
10042 NaN
246 NaN

Handling Missing Values

We could index by them

In [56]:
50      NaN
153     NaN
30035   NaN
10042   NaN
246     NaN
Name: terrStrong, dtype: float64

Handling Missing Values

We could fill them:

In [58]:
baad_covars['terrStrong'] = baad_covars.terrStrong.fillna(-77)
50    -77.0
89      0.0
113     0.0
126     0.0
153   -77.0
Name: terrStrong, dtype: float64

Handling Missing Values

We could drop their rows or columns:

  • Subset is optional: which columns to look in.
  • inplace = True will drop rows in df without having to assign another variable
In [60]:
baad_covars_dropped = baad_covars.dropna(axis='index',

Reindexing: Pop the index out without losing it

In [63]:
                       drop = False)
group_code group statespond country ccode fatalities OrgAge ordsize terrStrong degree ContainRelig ContainEthno LeftNoReligEthno PureRelig PureEthno ReligEthno ContainRelig2 ContainEthno2 Islam big
0 50 Animal Liberation Front (ALF) 0 US 2 0 30 0 -77.0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 89 Army of God 0 US 2 1 24 0 0.0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
2 113 Cambodian Freedom Fighters (CFF) 0 US 2 0 8 0 0.0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
3 126 Coalition to Save the Preserves (CSP) 0 US 2 0 6 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 153 Earth Liberation Front (ELF) 0 US 2 0 14 0 -77.0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Set a multi-index

  • Order Matters. What happens when you reverse group and country?
In [64]:
baad_covars.set_index(['group','country'],inplace = True)
group_code statespond ccode fatalities OrgAge ordsize terrStrong degree ContainRelig ContainEthno LeftNoReligEthno PureRelig PureEthno ReligEthno ContainRelig2 ContainEthno2 Islam big
group country
Animal Liberation Front (ALF) US 50 0 2 0 30 0 -77.0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Army of God US 89 0 2 1 24 0 0.0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
Cambodian Freedom Fighters (CFF) US 113 0 2 0 8 0 0.0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Coalition to Save the Preserves (CSP) US 126 0 2 0 6 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Earth Liberation Front (ELF) US 153 0 2 0 14 0 -77.0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Did you get an error?

  • Don't forget to reset the index first!
  • Go ahead and change it back for the next step.

Using the new index, make a new dataframe

  • Note the new slicing operator for multi-index
In [65]:
indonesia_grps = baad_covars.xs('Indonesia',level = 'country',drop_level=False)
indonesia_grps = indonesia_grps.loc[indonesia_grps.fatalities>=1,['degree','ContainRelig',
degree ContainRelig ContainEthno terrStrong ordsize OrgAge
group country
Free Aceh Movement (GAM) Indonesia 1 1 1 -77.0 2 31
Jemaah Islamiya (JI) Indonesia 2 1 0 -77.0 1 13
Laskar Jihad Indonesia 3 1 1 -77.0 0 6
South Maluku Republic (RMS) Indonesia 0 0 1 -77.0 2 8

Warning: Making copies

  • If you set a variable as equal to an object, Python creates a reference rather than copying the whole object. More efficient, unless you really want to make a copy
In [137]:
little_df = pd.DataFrame([1,2,3,4,5],columns = ['A'])
copied_df = little_df
little_df.loc[little_df.A == 3,'B'] = 'Sandwich'
   A  B
0  1  0
1  2  1
2  3  0
3  4  1
4  5  1
   A         B
0  1         0
1  2         1
2  3  Sandwich
3  4         1
4  5         1

What happened?

  • copied_df changed when little_df changed.
  • Let's fix that: import "copy"
In [139]:
import copy
little_df = pd.DataFrame([1,2,3,4,5],columns = ['A'])
copied_df = little_df.copy()
little_df.loc[little_df.A == 3,'B'] = 'Sandwich'
   A  B
0  1  0
1  2  1
2  3  0
3  4  1
4  5  1
   A  B
0  1  0
1  2  1
2  3  0
3  4  1
4  5  1

Merging and Concatenating

  • Merges automatically if shared index
In [140]:
C = pd.DataFrame(['apple','orange','grape','pear','banana'],
                 columns = ['C'],
                 index = [2,4,3,0,1])
little_df['C'] = C
0 1 0 pear
1 2 1 banana
2 3 Sandwich apple
3 4 1 grape
4 5 1 orange


  • Same as SQL, inner and outer
In [141]:
C = pd.DataFrame(['apple','orange','grape','apple'],
                 columns = ['C'],
                 index = [2,4,3,'a'])
print('Inner: Intersection')
                left_index = True,
                right_index =True))
print('Outer: Keep all rows')
                left_index = True,
                right_index =True))

print('Left: Keep little_df')
                left_index = True,
                right_index =True))
print('Right: Keep C')
                left_index = True,
                right_index =True))

print('Outer, merging on column instead of index')
                left_index = False,
                right_index =False))
        C     cuts
2   apple   slices
4  orange   wedges
3   grape    whole
a   apple  spirals
Inner: Intersection
   A         B     C_x     C_y    cuts
2  3  Sandwich   apple   apple  slices
3  4         1   grape   grape   whole
4  5         1  orange  orange  wedges
Outer: Keep all rows
     A         B     C_x     C_y     cuts
0  1.0         0    pear     NaN      NaN
1  2.0         1  banana     NaN      NaN
2  3.0  Sandwich   apple   apple   slices
3  4.0         1   grape   grape    whole
4  5.0         1  orange  orange   wedges
a  NaN       NaN     NaN   apple  spirals
Left: Keep little_df
   A         B     C_x     C_y    cuts
0  1         0    pear     NaN     NaN
1  2         1  banana     NaN     NaN
2  3  Sandwich   apple   apple  slices
3  4         1   grape   grape   whole
4  5         1  orange  orange  wedges
Right: Keep C
     A         B     C_x     C_y     cuts
2  3.0  Sandwich   apple   apple   slices
4  5.0         1  orange  orange   wedges
3  4.0         1   grape   grape    whole
a  NaN       NaN     NaN   apple  spirals
Outer, merging on column instead of index
   A         B       C     cuts
0  1         0    pear      NaN
1  2         1  banana      NaN
2  3  Sandwich   apple   slices
3  3  Sandwich   apple  spirals
4  4         1   grape    whole
5  5         1  orange   wedges
/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ RuntimeWarning: '<' not supported between instances of 'int' and 'str', sort order is undefined for incomparable objects
  return this.join(other, how=how, return_indexers=return_indexers)


  • Stack dataframes on top of one another
  • Stack dataframes beside one another
In [142]:
add_df = pd.DataFrame({'A':[6],'B':[7],'C':'peach'},index= ['p'])
little_df = pd.concat([little_df,add_df])
0 1 0 pear
1 2 1 banana
2 3 Sandwich apple
3 4 1 grape
4 5 1 orange
p 6 7 peach

Some New Messy Data: Asthma by Zip Code

In [107]:
asthma_data = pd.read_csv('asthma-emergency-department-visit-rates-by-zip-code.csv')
Year ZIP code Age Group Number of Visits Age-adjusted rate County Fips code County
0 2015 90004\n(34.07646, -118.309453) Children (0-17) 117.0 91.7 6037 LOS ANGELES
1 2015 90011\n(34.007055, -118.258872) Children (0-17) 381.0 102.8 6037 LOS ANGELES

Look at those zip codes!

Clean Zip Code

In [108]:
asthma_data[['zip','coordinates']] = asthma_data.loc[:,'ZIP code'].str.split(
asthma_data.drop('ZIP code', axis=1,inplace=True)
Year Age Group Number of Visits Age-adjusted rate County Fips code County zip coordinates
0 2015 Children (0-17) 117.0 91.7 6037 LOS ANGELES 90004 (34.07646, -118.309453)
1 2015 Children (0-17) 381.0 102.8 6037 LOS ANGELES 90011 (34.007055, -118.258872)

Rearrange The Data: Group By

In [109]:
asthma_grouped = asthma_data.groupby(by=['Year','zip']).sum()
Number of Visits Age-adjusted rate County Fips code
Year zip
2009 90001 818.0 226.074245 18111
90002 836.0 265.349315 18111
90003 1542.0 369.202131 18111
90004 580.0 145.538276 18111

Lost Columns! Fips summed!

Group by: Cleaning Up

  • Lost columns you can't sum
  • took sum of fips
  • Must add these back in
  • Works because temp table has same index
In [110]:
asthma_grouped.drop('County Fips code',axis=1,inplace=True)
temp_grp = asthma_data.groupby(by=['Year','zip']).first()
                'coordinates']]=temp_grp.loc[:,['County Fips code',
asthma_grouped.loc[:,'Number of Visits']=\
        asthma_grouped.loc[:,'Number of Visits']/2
Number of Visits Age-adjusted rate fips county coordinates
Year zip
2009 90001 409.0 226.074245 6037 LOS ANGELES (33.973252, -118.249154)
90002 418.0 265.349315 6037 LOS ANGELES (33.949079, -118.247877)

Rearrange The Data: Pivot

Rearrange The Data: Pivot

  • Tell computer what to do with every cell:
    • Index: Stays the same
    • Columns: The column containing the new column labels
    • Values: The column containing values to insert
In [111]:
asthma_unstacked = asthma_data.pivot_table(index = ['Year',
                                                    'County Fips code'], 
                                           columns = 'Age Group', 
                                           values = 'Number of Visits')
Age Group Year zip County coordinates County Fips code Adults (18+) All Ages Children (0-17)
0 2009 90001 LOS ANGELES (33.973252, -118.249154) 6037 206.0 409.0 203.0
1 2009 90002 LOS ANGELES (33.949079, -118.247877) 6037 204.0 418.0 214.0

Rename Columns, Subset Data

In [113]:
    'County Fips code':'Fips',
    'Adults (18+)':'Adults',
    'All Ages':'Incidents',
    'Children (0-17)': 'Children'
asthma_2015 = asthma_unstacked.loc[asthma_unstacked.Year==2015,:]
Age Group Year Zip County Coordinates Fips Adults Incidents Children
4693 2015 90001 LOS ANGELES (33.973252, -118.249154) 6037 229.0 441.0 212.0
4694 2015 90002 LOS ANGELES (33.949079, -118.247877) 6037 249.0 476.0 227.0

Save Your Data

Save Your Data

In [114]: